🐴 Khet / Leanna / Jenna Thread

Hey youre the one who has seen the restraining order right? Do you know when it was filed? Because I have had theories on that for awhile.

And while I am theorizing, I still its mere existence paints Kat as above the jayde level retard you guys seem to think she is

I haven’t seen the restraining order. I confirmed with the Court that it exists. Getting a copy of the file could involve doxxing the requesting party because it must be in writing. That request could be placed in the file and Khet could potentially see who requested it.

46th Circuit Court, Otsego County
Katherine St. Jean vs Jeffrey Rudel
Case No. 17-16902-PP
Petition for Personal Protection
Order Granted: June 15, 2017
Expired: June 15, 2018
Clerk’s Office: (989) 731-7500
I believe telephone hours are until 4:00 pm central.

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Subaruman got married


Looks like a better horse.


I’m glad that Subaru man found someone he can do hair tricks with in his car, that actually enjoys being around, instead of…well, to quote ItsAGundam about soulmaid: “She looks like Tawny Kitaen if she was retarded.” I mean, he’s NOT wrong! Kat was giving off the physical vibe of a hostage victim and she was there against her will, and Subaru man had a loaded gun going “Bitch, if you don’t do this, we’re gonna have a HUGE issue! Now, you’re doing this and you’re going to like it.”

Now, I’m probably am going to get HELL for this, about the restraining order and I want to say this: I AM NOT saying that there isn’t a possibility that Subaru man DID slap soulmaid. I am NOT saying that, but what I am SAYING is that Subaru man did mention - and it was mentioned by Officer Sanders - that Kat “has some issues” and it’s been noted that her own mother tried to harm her because of “demons”, along with her breaking and entering, her going into a court order mental health facility, etc…I am even willing to surmise that the whole restraining order was part of a self harm ideation, to build a case against Subaru man to get the restraining order in place.

A bit of a backstory: I’ve worked in mental health inpatient facilities and have had worked with people that have had ideations of self-harm and homicidal ideations, along with people that were more than happy to hurt themselves in order to get a person thrown in jail or to get the law involved, along with going to the extreme to build a case against someone. I don’t have access to those records because of HIPAA and I would need written consent from soulmaid to get access to those medical records from the inpatient psych facility. Not worth it, but anyone with a HINT of “Something isn’t adding up.” sense of sense would go “I need to ask both parties.” Again, logic, reasoning, and evidence are a dying thing and it’s a “Well, they did it. Believe me! Not them” is a dying art. I digress.

Point being, I honestly think that soulmaid had to build evidence to get the restraining order against Subaru man, so, she took a lock in a sock and hit herself to get bruises, took some photos, went down to the courthouse, filed the restraining order against him. Why do I think she did this? Once she got kicked out for talking to streaming man, remember, they NEVER talked on the phone and they only text - she showed Phil the photos of “Phil, baby! You won’t believe what Jeff did to me!” and boom!

Again, I’ve NOT saying that Jeff didn’t POSSIBLY lay a hand on Khat, it very well could’ve happened, but I’ve also have ran into pieces of shit from both sides of the aisle and Jeff seems like an okay dude. Do I think he slaps his bride around when dinner is late? “Jesus Christ, tuna casserole again!” as he slaps her, while his armpit hair waves around after he had another hard day at the factory. I don’t see that at all, honestly.

What I am saying is this: until the day Subaru man actually says “Yeah, I hit the bitch. So what?” it’s just speculation and we know more about Khat than we do about Subaru man. I think Jeff just wants to move on with his life and build with the woman he now calls his wife.

However, I will say this: we all know Khat has issues, especially with law dog such as breaking and entering, trespassing, and have spent time in a inpatient psych facility. You just don’t go into there because you want a 3 day vacation, that’s not how it works.

I do think that Khat is a emotional manipulator to get what she wants and she has it made. She has her own stable, she gets to work her very stressful part-time job working retail, she gets to eat all the DoorDash she wants, and gets to play vanilla Skyrim until the wheels in her chair falls off.


Does anyone have the Koolaid art Jenna retweeted, or her Twitter? I could only find her old one (@BrazyMamo, looks like it’s been inactive since 2021). They talked about it for a couple minutes on today’s ep of That Being Said https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fAOIxUYeqc

I’ll do some searching in a bit too!

Her Twitter: x.com

The tweet: x.com


New Jenna content, coming in hot.

I am 100% with you. Like in essence the existence of that restraining order is why I reject the Jayde level tard people paint her as. Like that is why I really don’t think she is there all that often. Because I really feel like you would have to be well essentially a Jayde level retard to stay in a house with Phil 24/7. She will probably never leave. But no way is she tolerating that all the time. Especially, when he starts asking things of her

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Is it not possible that Phil talked her into getting a restraining order? You could easily argue this ‘manipulation’ angle for Phil as well.

I think you’re conflating people making fun of Phil for always making his wife seem retarded, for people believing that she is actually braindead. Do I believe that she’s actually broken three different vacuum cleaners? No. But it’s funny to imagine that she has. Hell, she knew how to use OBS better than Phil does.

You also have to consider that, according to her sister, Khet has aspergers/autism of some kind, which is why I don’t think it’s a stretch to imagine that she’s content just being a fat, lazy gamer. And add to that, that we know she’s a couch-surfer who’s repeatedly shown that her objective in relationships is to secure food and board.

And lastly, I think a lot of this recent Khet speculation is based off of Phil’s own words. Phil can tell us that he’s constantly planning these co-op things with Khet, and they always fall through for one very real reason or another, when it’s probably more likely that, 4/5 times that Phil says he planned this with his wife, he actually didn’t, but he’s spinning this lie to make it seem like they’re more than just roommates.


I have actually. And it makes him so, so much worse.

I dunno, you go look at some discussions about Kat both here and on the farms. I think people think she’s actually retarded.

You know you bring up a strong point, but the fact that he got her on those two times makes me doubt that. I think that he makes some kind of “attempt”. I think he knows it brings in money and attention and the ability to cry about harassment.

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I’ve always had the idea that Khat and Phil are roommates. We all know Phil is a horrible narrator and lies so much, there had to be a search engine just to keep up with his lies! Hell, he once said that him and Khat sleep in separate bedrooms because of his “snoring”, sure, Phil! And I’m Jeff Bezos.

I think Phil talked soulmaid into marrying him because it’s most likely his mom talked him into it and he knew that no one with a HINT of common sense that anyone healthy would get with him. Again, from personal experience, you don’t throw a ring on anyone that wants to get you some! He put a ring on the FIRST thing that would put up with him. His daughter flew the pigpen, soulmaid came in and went “Uh, so…I met you when I was couch surfing and being a hobosexual, but he was essentially getting tired of my shit, so, you’re the next best option.” She married him for DoorDash and a place to sleep, Phil married her to be the mature adult and to keep anyone in the pigpen, because Phil is scared to be alone…but, if you really think about it, he is alone.


People say “leave Jenna alone” but I feel like this whore could use some bullying NOT because it would hurt Phil or because she associates with him or Khet but because she’s a lolcow on her own merit. She is legitimately without any value and can’t even play the prostitute game right. She is also legit stupid and crazy as fuck.

But apparently she is fickle enough to post shit like this. Not 2 weeks ago she was crying that people are mean to her online and she can’t post without worrying about trolls and people are weirdoes for hating on her but now she’s baiting us to engage to “make memes of her” and “roast her” as if she got any internet clout. Her brain is so deep fried she actually thinks she’s someone when actually she’s just as thin skinned and self absorbed as Phil.

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Hell, earlier this year, she was trying to become a LOLCOW and doing shit to get attention - there was the Kool-Aid bath, her becoming Officer Sander doing the WORST handjob in the history of porn, and the infamous line: “$11.95? You don’t have $11.95, what’s your problem?”, along with her Twitter antics, and a list of other things that you can see she just wants attention, in the hopes of getting money. She’s willing to embarass herself for the bag, as I guess living in the van, and blowing dudes for weed and half a pack of smokes…I mean, if you want to live your life like a LOLCOW, this is what you get.

Jenna follows me on IG and shes newly single!
Get on it tractors I know one of you is willing to let her ruin your life

We got another “mo-wife” this morning.

So, I was doing a deep dive while doing some mature adult stuff…and Phil bought up something that I had to go back and go “No, the fuck he didn’t!” Well, Phil did. He let slip that during that trip to see his dying parents, well…they’re not dead, but they could die…because they’re old, dood! He let slip this sentence.

On marrying soulmaid: “We were pressured to do it.” He didn’t marry soulmaid because he loved her, I mean, let’s be fair: Rambo will always have Phil’s heart, but unfortunately, Rambo broke pignoisis a LONG time ago and he’s NEVER coming back, Panda is now a mature adult and engaged to Chad, so, he had to throw a ring on the nearest horse he could find. So, THAT confirms my long belief that he was pressured into marrying soulmaid.

Also, this gem: “The real reason I went to Connecticut was I knew that was going to be the last time I was going to see one of them in person.” Like, Jesus! Are you going to have them clipped, Phil? Both of your parents seem fine, along with your dad sending you a picture of the fish he caught…but, I’m sure that was fake and one of them is dying. Like, Jesus!

Basically, he told everyone: yeah, I’m preparing for one of them to die. Ever such the loving and caring son you are, Phil.

Edit: Here’s the video to what Phil said. Also, Phil mentioned him being pressured into marriage at 2:14:48.

WPIG: https://www.youtube.com/live/OWLh3w69gPQ?si=V_XRzKkRGdZ5fMUN


To quote ItsAGundam, “If she wasn’t so damn crazy, she might be cute.”

Jenna is the kind of girl that’ll either get you thrown in jail, homeless, and will slash your tires. I love crazy chicks…but seeing that Kool-Aid bath and that Officer Sanders video, gonna pass.