This is Jeffrey Davey.
If you’re a fan of the Mesa Encore Theatre out in Arizona, you may know him as… The Fiddler on the Roof!
However, if you mostly hang out around here, you’ll likely know him better as…
Now, I know what you’re probably thinking - hasn’t PlanetJeff been doxed before? Yes, he has. However, I believe that the previous doxes are inaccurate, and I think you’ll agree by the time you’ve finished reading this post.
Walk with me, and I’ll take you through how it all started, where it went wrong, and where it went right again.
Previous Doxes:
The previous doxes never really sat right with me. There are too many inconsistencies between the claims that Jeff made on Phil’s streams, and the information presented in the doxes.
For example, Nigel’s dox shows that Jeff is a civil engineer, or in other words, a city engineer. I’m sure some of you oldfags remember that the Twitter account of the city of Springville, Utah was shut down due to the mass trolling that followed Nigel’s dox.
That’s all well and good, however… Jeff claimed to be a software engineer on Phil’s forum. Not a civil engineer.
Another inconsistency being that Jeff supposedly lives in Utah, when, he very plainly stated that he lives in a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona, during an Ask The King from 2018.
( 16:20 )
And of course, I’m sure many of you remember the “Alive Wife” dox that was making the rounds last year. Obviously, this contradicts what Jeff told Phil, during a Resident Evil stream from January 2019.
( 53:23 )
For either of these doxes to be correct, they must hinge on one notion in particular: that Jeff lied.
He must have lied about his dead wife, about his job title, about his fucking dog - about everything.
This never sat right with me.
Jeff is one of Phil’s most trusted and most loyal whales. I just couldn’t buy the idea that he would have spun this convoluted web of lies, behind the scenes, for years and years, seemingly… for no reason.
More on Nigel’s dox:
I believe that Nigel’s dox was based off of three things:
1.) The presence of “Albertson’s” gas stations in the state of Utah.
2.) The discovery of a Utah woman with the last name “Anderson” who died around the time that PlanetJeff’s wife supposedly died.
3.) A “Jeff Anderson” being employed as a civil engineer for the city of Springville, Utah, who was also Valedictorian of his graduating class, just as PlanetJeff was.
How It Started:
I was going through some old Ask The King streams using PigPigGo, when I stumbled upon, what appeared to be, Youtube comments from PlanetJeff.
Youtube Details
Found on these videos:
Right away, I assumed that these comments must be from an imposter. Someone probably saw that these old DSP videos have open comments, and they wanted to troll.
However, upon closer inspection, I found that these comments pre-date Nigel’s dox. They were all posted before October 2019. Before Jeff supposedly disappeared. Not only that, but the typing style is identical to PlanetJeff’s chatlogs.
This activated my autism.
By simply googling “PlanetJeff” I found a user on a small, politcal news website that goes by the same name. The account was created in the early 2000’s and was active as recently as late last year.
This PlanetJeff lives in Mesa, Arizona, a suburb right outside of Phoenix, Arizona. Just as our PlanetJeff claimed. He’s also a software engineer, just like our PlanetJeff.
He also types identically to PlanetJeff’s chatlogs, forum posts, and the Youtube comments I mentioned previously.
There are also a few other interesting tidbits, such as his date of birth, which makes him even older than the current “Jeff Anderson” profile, but he also states that he lived in Germany as a child.
Pretty spooky, huh? And wouldn’t you know it, there are several Albertson’s gas stations in Mesa, Arizona.
A Little Help:
It was at this point when I reached out to @Buta , and asked for his help.
Buta is a kick-ass doxer, and he’s one of the most trustworthy people I’ve had the pleasure of crossing paths with in The Vortex. I showed him the Youtube comments and the Daily Kos news site, and he told me he’d see what he could find.
Buta found everything.
This is the smoking gun - a Paypal account that uses the PlanetJeff moniker, which was registered using the name “Jeffrey Davey.”
Searching for this name in the appropriate avenues will lead you to a Jeffrey Davey that lives in Mesa, Arizona.
Lucky for us, Jeffrey Davey is on Facebook!
His Facebook username is literally… @ PlanetJeff
He lives in Mesa, he’s a software engineer, he used to live in Germany, just like the PlanetJeff from the Daily Kos, and once again, his typing style is indentical to all of the previous examples.
If you scroll back through his Facebook far enough, you’ll find the deceased wife. Debra Jo Davey, who died in the summer of 2018, just like Jeff told Phil.
You’ll also see Jeff’s dog, Scotch! A scottish terrior. The same dog that Jeff told Phil about, when Jeff tipped $1,000 for the Jasper Reveal in 2019!
( 23:03 ) → Phil reads the tip message at ( 25:15 )
And if you scroll waaaay back, you’ll find a very peculiar profile picture. This gay muppet thing. This is the same profile picture that Jeff used on his Patreon. You’ll notice that Jeffrey posted this photo to Facebook in 2014. Jeff didn’t create his Patreon until 2015. This is where the picture originated.
*One more interesting connection - Buta found Jeff’s Star Citizen profile, which once again places him in Arizona. Star Citizen is something that Jeff talked about in his very first post on Phil’s forum.
EDIT : Forgot to include that Jeff posted his phone number and email address on Facebook, which corroborates the personal information posted previously.
Now Guys…
So, that’s it. I hope this has been meaningful and informative for all of you.
TLDR: You can all go back to making Planet Dead Wife jokes again
Thanks again to @Buta for all of your help.
And thank you to @ThirdWorldDetractor for keeping a fantastic archive of DSP chatlogs, and to @AgentProper for hearing me out