Is Phil Good at Fighting Games?

I only really put it together from one prestream and Poem tweets/clips. He really is unwatchable unless there’s som commentary buffer…

That said, I watched Nephew play Geif in ranked, it’s almost like they’re playing two completely different games.

Nephew was able to talk to chat while playing, one match he said was laggy and he played people between 7ms to 157ms, never insulted anyone, if he dropped a combo he didn’t blame the game, he rarely got stuck in the corner, NEVER said there’s nothing he can do about anything. He was having trouble dealing with Jamie but never blamed the game or even once mentioned tier lists for the entire stream it was just he didn’t know what to do with that match up.

meanwhile Phil…well we all know.


“When I’m winning its fun”
-Phil “Darksydephil” Burnell (Age 42) May 7, 2024

That answers that guys.


I fell asleep during that whole stream, woke up just in time for him getting pounded by that dyke roman warrior lady or whatever. Interesting his inputs stopped dropping when he started winning but also what was that cope rant at the end?

If you had better inputs, better blocks, better strategy, you would’ve WON that match Dave. But those god damn stationaries had to invent rollback netcode!

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Okay. But seriously. One of these men was an EVO finalist 20 years ago. Playing fighting games since the mid 90s. And never even really stopped. After his EVO finish, SF4 followed shortly afterwards. A game that he made content for practically out of the gate. Right up until V. I don’t know if he has gone a year without playing a fighting game. I don’t know if he has gone six months.

Speaking of six months. The other player has maybe that under his belt. Something he picked up to clown on the former. Maybe get a little recognition. Play this all time great. And the match went about as expected. That was a game you would expect from that gulf in experience and skill.

The immaculate spacing. The constant recognition of when to attack, when to let things be. How to bait and how to manage meter.

It is just a goddamn shame it was the wrong player fucking schooling the goddam professional of what? Twenty-five years? Like if Phil was ever good, then his skill is a condemnation of his times. There is no amount of rust, or match ups, or fuck me even software errors that should allow such a gulf in skill to result in this game. PoP should be working against Phil every round. He could take, rounds, games, sets. But in the way he did? The complete bodying? Nah. Phil. Is. A. Scrub. Absolutely shameful


After last night’s toxic display, I really wish we could spread the word and let people know not to play against Phil.

I’ve had this mini-op idea for a while and my inspiration was DSP’s old posts on forums where he would complain he can’t go to a team tournament when the real reason was that nobody wanted to play with him. Basically people right now try to match with Phil and have detractor names and try to beat him to show how bad he is at the game. This point’s been proven by now. I think it’d be funnier if people got in a match with him and just stood there, no input just letting him win but not engage with him. SF6 stream’s dead if he can’t actually play a match.

We’ve seen this happen. Phil just beats up his opponent while they’re AFK and takes the points, like a bitch. I think it’s much funnier to see him explode with rage for ten minutes when someone like PoP or Raw Phil beats him.

I know this isn’t meant to be malicious, but OPs, even as mild as this, are discouraged. No trolling plans. You don’t want to be on the same level as Doody rallying the retards to bombard Phil’s polls and comment sections.

Well the one time he did place at EVO, it was the EVO no one good showed up to and he actually grinded away for weeks to learn the game and place. Other wise, his wins make up local tournaments from the 90s and even back then no one liked him because he was a complete dickhead that never matured. You think his retarded fucking take on rollback netcode is his first excuse? FUCK NO! Dude would bitch about the exact version, the button conditions, the wiring to the fucking monitor, the board condition, he would make any and all possible excuses. He likes to pretend he had a rivalry with Justin Wong, but really it was Phil-kun begging Senpai to notice him and never succeeding.

While I’m at it, his nick name was The ATM at events because he loved money matches, but he was pretty easy to beat if you had any amount of skill to speak of and he was actually really good about paying up. So if you needed 20 bucks, just go kick Phil’s ass.


not fighting game related but him being the walking ATM and playing money matches which wasn’t a rare thing in groups of friends at arcades playing fighting games, and yet he had a REALLY hard time understanding Dave and Busters letting people make fun wagers on games.

Like you dumb fuck how unhinged are you that you can’t connect the two?


I didn’t know that one! That’s fucking funny. Again, no self awareness from the swine lord.

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It wasn’t weeks. It was in that weekend. The reason it was all Japanese players was because they were already there. So they had to choose between skipping and being out all that trip money or saying fuck it and playing. I wish I could find these old documentaries, but I seem to recall hearing once that Japanese players were also a bit more familiar with that Playstation port.

Which while I’m at it, isn’t this travesty that the Americans at that event like to claim it was. In fact they are very Phil-like in the sense of calling it a Neo Geo port.

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Wow, Phil can’t even train for his single shot at fame well. I thought I was under selling it, like he would have know more than month out and really put his nose to the grind stone. Oh well, lazy as always I suppose.

No one knew until they all got there is the story I’ve been told. EVO really didn’t want people to cancel. Because Super Turbo was actually a big draw at the time

Oh, well that actually does check out then. Still doesn’t stop him from being a scrubby ass bitch that only got 4th place because all the other good players weren’t there.

Dave being the walking ATM that he was might actually be the only time he’s ever participated in charity. Cuz like you said exactly he was a guaranteed easy $20 or more to his fellow gamer😁

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He recently started using a particular excuse more and more and I think it’s one of his craziest ones I’m surprised people aren’t calling him out on it.

Basically when Phil is doing his usual scrub shenanigans he will inevitably get countered or punished if he does unsafe stuff. Recently I am seeing an increase in him reacting to this with lines like “right, I am sure he did that” or “you expect me to believe he actually did the input for that move” or something along those lines. This dude’s brain is so fucked up by his ego that he actually thinks the game is working against him. This is an indicator of how far gone he is, totally lost in his delusions of grandeur. It’s one thing to accuse a game of being laggy and dropping your inputs but we’re at a point where this mongoloid is saying the game actually looks at the match situation and not only does it give priority to his opponent’s moves, but also overwrites what those moves and instead gives him the perfect move to hit. His mind is overdosing on this persecution complex.

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He’s not actually improving. He’s just slamming his head into the wall and brute forcing his way to Master rank. Dude goes up against a fast character that understands basic spacing and he’s completely fucked. Cammy is his official nemesis because she’s basically immune to Cheese Gief’s nonsense. She’s rush down and shockingly ranged because of her leap forward command grabs and charge attacks.


The funniest thing? Gief is a bad matchup for Cammy in 6. It’s not a lopsided matchup but a lot of her moves get punished by SPD. The way to beat him is what I’ve seen PoP and Raw do - by keeping him in mid range and letting him fuck up when he tries to go in.

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Well yeah, basic spacing. Don’t get in range of Andre the Giant. His whole goal is to punish with command grabs. Cammy is basically built from the ground up to hard counter that, even in the best of Gief players. But Dave isn’t a good Zangief, he’s a Cheese Gief. And Cammy is neigh immune if you even have the most basic of ideas of what to do. Which a diamond is going to. Hell, a platinum will be actively developing those skills and a Cheese Gief is just really good practice mode.


It’s so over. Khet officially has a fat gunt.


The dude relies on a lot of gimmick play.

I don’t play super turbo but that shit was full of 40% throws, tick throws, balrog headbutt cross over gimmick throws, vega 50/50 walldives at lightning speed, guiles whole turtle bullshit etc

Look at him now. Gimmick online: Honda, Lily, Blanka and Gief. Command grab city since this guy cannot do a combo to save his life yet shits on others for actually practicing them for damage meanwhile this guy does an SPD for a good 30-50% of someones health.

Him playing Gief has been a blessing. This dude really can’t make a low tier work. And he loves to underplay Blanka by the way. “Top-mid-low-top tier” as he would say.