šŸ“– DarksydePhil / TheyCallMeDSP / Phil Burnell: Main Thread

For sure, the spectacle we witnessed twas all to do with PlanetJeffyMcCuntFace being found out HaHaHa


I think phil is going to try to obfuscate planetjeffs support in the future, but like nearly every attempt to hide the whales its going to be obvious when complete randoms are dropping the same amount of money during the prestream and never talking.


Our boy Dave has been having issues for years but I think your window of ā€œa year or soā€ with his mental illness accelerating is dead on. When all is said and done, I think itā€™ll be the Sidescrollers interview that will be considered the fracture point for his ego. There is so much to unpack from the public dismantling he took during that interview, but I never forgot two distinct statements he made (This was during the segment with Keemstar and they were both fairly close together if anyone wants to clip it for the lulz):

ā€œNow, at the end of the day, all right? When you look at what Keem has done and what I have done ā€¦ Iā€™ll probably be forgotten, Iā€™ll just be a fart in the wind, right? Iā€™ve got 100,000 videos on the internet. No oneā€™s gonna remember DarksydePhil, besides the guy who had, who jerked off on stream ā€¦ā€


ā€œI wouldnā€™t even say Iā€™m successful at all.ā€

He said both of these things without irony or sarcasm, completely unprompted in the most pathetic soy, cucked voice in front of the largest normie livestream audience he will probably ever have. He was vulnerable, cornered, and dealing with people who were not buying his canned prestream bullshit. It doesnā€™t matter how many times he says heā€™s successful now or that what he does will be remembered for being meaningful to his small audience of LARPers and even smaller audience of actual fans. That bottle can never be uncorked and on some level, he knows this too. Thatā€™s why when he behaves as smugly as he did last night, itā€™s all the more amusing because itā€™s absolutely a facade. I expect this schizo behavior to worsen as time marches on. Strap in.


So something I caught popping in and out of POPā€™s restream and backs up a theo theory I plastered all over the farms, which my account got nuked oddly, and the sub redditsā€¦

He only played Super Turbo after it was popular and was on itā€™s way out. He first mentioned this being such a HUGE fan of Final Fantasy III (VI) that he was such huge fan that that was all he played and didnā€™t get into fighting games till after FFIIIā€¦did you know itā€™s called Doki Doki Panic Fantady 6 in japan

Being around his age, but older and also being into fighting games and jrpgs this tickled my tism and phil has an such a horrible concept of time that I think he actually discovered time travel. I swear that FF6 came out as SF2 had finally run its course and I was right. He then a few streams later would contradict this statement.

Ahh those were the days when it would take at least one stream for him to contradict what he just said instead if in the same thought. The insanity saga is the best saga. right? right? alright! anyway.

He just openly admitted it in this last stream that he didnā€™t play SSF2T till after it had run itā€™s course.

Now if one of the larpers in his chat on Friday asks him when he started playing SF2 heā€™ll probably come up with something else.

From what I saw of this Q&A it just seemed like Phil spent a day off going through the farms or at the least the subreddits that all just got nuked and was doing a debunk stream to convince himself none of what the detractors say is true.


I think if he ends up doing DSPolitics heā€™s going to go full grifter acting like he was reading marvel comics till the went woke and how he was a huge starwars fan.


Mature Adult With Business Degree is dunking on Apple today.

  • Apple is on a downward swing
  • Apple is boneheaded
  • No longer prominent
  • Vision Pro = visor, Cyclops from XMen, no one wants that except morons
  • Vision Pro is dumb
  • Everyone else has caught up to Apple
  • Everyone makes better products now

Mental illness at display, there is no way he is that ignorant.



I thought weā€™d make it to friday before completely contradicting his own claim he really didnā€™t get into fighting games until ST was on itā€™s way out but heā€™s so far gone he canā€™t even make it 24 hours.

Today heā€™s an OG of the FGC and he was the reason why there was a Street Fighter IV cause of his grass roots movement to keep fighting games alive so he wantā€™s to do a fighting game special stream where dents tell him heā€™s so great as he self felates over old videos of him at evo beating ā€œnotable namesā€

JUST FUCKING LAST NIGHT He was saying how he didnā€™t get into fighting games till the end of STā€™s run and he wasnā€™t even that good just not a lot of people played ST, unlike now good he is at street fighter 6.

Now itā€™s he was an OG and beat notable names at EVO.

which is it you mental patient?


Because a TRILLION dollar company is ā€œon a downward spiralā€, not realizing companies like Apple have 5 to 10 year plans on what they want to do with products and their company. Iā€™m surprised Tim Cook hasnā€™t reached out to Phil and beg him to come work for Apple to come up with the next generation product.

A bit of a spoiler alert about Apple, and Iā€™m not saying this because Iā€™m a Apple fanboy, but there have been long standing rumors about Apple having a manager training program called Apple University that all of their managers and upper elite go through that is taught by Harvard alumni, ya know, the school that Phil applied for and got denied because heā€™s not a basketball American and isnā€™t good at sports, and he couldnā€™t get a scholarship like his peers, even though he did extra activities to make himself more of a ā€œwell rounded person.ā€

This is also the same idiot that thinks he can get a job at Boeing because he did customer support at HSI, therefore, he knows about the aerospace industry, along with a middle manager position at Microsoft and Google. What makes you think heā€™s qualified? He runs his own business. Truth be told, he does have the attitude and will fit right inā€¦but the technical knowhow? Well, thatā€™s severely lacking. Also, he would fail the screening with just the questions. Some of those questions are well known, but its a good critical thinking question. One of those questions is ā€œDesign a escape plan of San Francisco?ā€ Snort ā€œWell, what you do is get a whole bunch of credit cards, mmkay! Then, you max them all out, and move to another part of the country and put all your new furniture on credit, while leaving all your old stuff behind, because itā€™s crap.ā€


The past few days of Dave going full toxic nuclear plant, it doesnā€™t come as a shock. I honestly think this is going to be the norm for Phil going forward. I think the troll names - the one about how Linda shouldā€™ve swallowed was fucking hilarious - and I know that CUT Phil DEEP! However, this is also the same dumbass that called his parents ā€œfucking stupidā€ for not getting him that Wolverine toy when he was 14. I digress. Also, I love how heā€™s now trying to retcon his whole entire history and how he was ā€œalways the victimā€ in everything. Being a cancer on the FGC? Well, he was hated first. Him being a piece of shit to everyone online, but kissing your ass if you were a top player in person? Wrong! Didnā€™t happen. You want proof? Trust me, dood! Snort Even though there is backups of the old fourms he used to LIVE his life on, but heā€™ll claim those old PMā€™s are long gone, which heā€™ll say ā€œThat was the truth of how people felt about him.ā€, his rant on the Cannons, the trolls, etcā€¦

Heā€™ll tell you ā€œTrolls ruined my life.ā€ Sure, Phil! We all put a gun to your head and made you take out 13 credit cards, we forced you to sign that lease on that BMW, we told you to move across the country because you didnā€™t want to live in a place you hated, we forced you to be a cancer on the FGC, a cancer to any relationship and friendship youā€™ve had. Sure, Phil.

This is just the beginning, folks! Him being toxic more and more is just the beginning.


Hey buddy, Phil has a 10 year plan too. He totally does, dood. :pig:


So, Phil being Philā€¦instead of being entertaining, taking a hint of responsibility, and instead trying to game the YouTube system, he decided to clickbait the Fallout 4 stream, getting 24K+ views, and how much did he make? 3 centsā€¦and who did he blame? YouTube, of course. Not for trying to clickbait the streams and videos with a clickbait title of ā€œ60 fpsā€, people fast forwarding through the playthrough to find, etcā€¦

Keep being classy, Dave.


And just as EVERYONE expected, he missed the point of the boycott by FUCKING LIGHTYEARS


Heā€™s so fucking toxic today. Constantly yelling at his audience that no one gives a fuck about the gaming news topics that theyā€™re interested in. Flip-flopping back and forth on this Stellar Blade thing, ultimately downplaying it as ā€œminor visual tweaksā€ and belittling people for caring about it.



EDIT: :pig:

Phil complains about the night stream in tonightā€™s Daily Wrap.

He says that support was terrible for tonightā€™s Helldivers stream. The audience was disengaged and falling asleep at certain points. He didnā€™t even make twenty bucks :cry: Phil kicked ass tonight, apparently, and heā€™s dissapointed that only half of his audience showed up to see it.

( 6:48 )


Phil has to be the only streamer where as a fan you are obligated and required to attend every stream. Wild levels of entitlement on display.

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Itā€™s so exhausting being a DSP fan.

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$14 day stream :grimacing: This is one for the books.



I canā€™t remember when the last time we saw a $14 day stream, it has to be before the 1MM era. Phil is going to be on edge tonight.


Now now dents, cant own the trolls on just 14 dollars.

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The begging today oh man, really taking control phil lol. ā€œMy goalsā€¦ or betterā€

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