📖 DarksydePhil / TheyCallMeDSP / Phil Burnell: Main Thread

Yeah, this is frantic madness.

This is as close as we’re going to get to "1MM picked up his wallet and walked away." He specifically mentions people being pissy at him for not reading out their tip messages, because they were trying to pull him into political shit.

Phil is lucky, in the short term, that he’s got some mentally ill sugar daddy who’s willing to step up in 1MM’s absence. However, he’s in a really tough spot, long term, when he realizes that the only guy who was reliably propping up his day streams for years, is gone, and now he can only rely on the unreliable military-grade, cyber-sleuth tranny.

In six months, we’ll get some contrived backstory about how 1MM made the streams all about him and expected to wear the pants on DSPGaming because he was throwing money around.

EDIT: :pig:

Even after this ten minute goodbye that was specifically targeted at one supporter, Phil still maintains that no one was able to determine why today’s day stream was slow, and he hopes people will pick up the slack tonight.


Second night in a row where Phil chastises his audience for not supporting the stream.

He’s still feigning ignorance as to why he only got $14 in tips this morning, even though he addressed the notion of supporters leaving him due to not reading out their politically charged tip messages, during tonight’s Throwback stream. He also memoryholed the final $4 tip that he sat on until after he stooped recording. Very cool!

“I was surprised! Attendance was good! Maybe it was just bad luck, I dunno dood :person_shrugging:

He really hopes that it was just a fluke, and that people will support next week. He also tells us that he’s nervous about putting Elden Ring on night streams going forward, because those streams may not be well supported either. :cry:

( 1:13 )

Lets see how deep ryans pockets really are.

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As deep as Phil’s mouth and booty hole if Ryan wants to slide in eventually.

“A very mysterious thing happened today, the support was ridiculously low” :joy:


DesperateSydePig is the best pigroach!

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Holy fuck. No tips in an hour for Elden Ring, and he says he got $100 in chargebacks out of nowhere.

EDIT: An another $125 now. He’s fucking desperate.


Gotta luv it … bring on the BeggyMcBegSalt Philbert


Yeah, insane shit tonight.

After he brought up the chargebacks, he ramped up the victim narrative and begged like four times in thirty minutes. He went as far as to say “Ugh I can’t believe I have to deal with these bullshit enemies when I’ve got these chargebacks screwing me over” and “It sucks to have such a slow stream when I’ve got these chargebacks.”

He begged so much, that he had to swear to his audience that he won’t beg again tonight, but he really needs the help.

It’s just so fucking lazy on his part. So blatant that he’s just desperate. In the past, he would go through the effort of constructing a narrative about the chargebacks beforehand, so that he could turn it into a proper emergency. At the least, he’d take a bathroom break and pretend to be freaked out about it. But tonight, he just sat there getting his ass handed to him in Elden Ring, while he nonchalantly mentioned these chargebacks, just as a means to beg.

Anyway, Daily Wrap.

He starts it off by saying that support on both streams was great, as if he wasn’t begging and pleading for hours tonight to make more than $20 dollars

He’s still talking about how part one of his Fallout 4 playthrough went viral.

Chargeback talk at ( 4:58 )

Phil calls the guy a piece of shit, an asshole, says he committed fraud, etc. And he says it’s very hard to win chargebacks, which is a far cry from the notion that he always wins chargebacks, which he used to insist.

Phil says that he needs the next few days to be well supported, or he’ll be in trouble. The last few minutes of this video are just dedicated to begging. Really focuses on behind the scenes tips as well.


Phil just needs to learn to budget better. I dont buy the chargeback story one bit. The guy has a proven track record of lying for financial gain. Whats so different this time? The amount kept shifting up and by the end it was roughly 11 days worth of 1mm tips. Too bad phil, budget better and stop blowing that tip money the second you hop off stream.


I really hope he gets low support on the SF6 stream.
Paired with his usual scrub rage, it will be a disaster stream.


how the fuck does he have a $200 car registration fee that’s due ASAP? Is this the new “$1k behind the scene reeemergency doody video bait”?

Also you’re prejudice if you don’t like the cartoony look of another’s crab treasure

Yeah, this is how you know it’s bullshit. He didn’t think these chargebacks were enough of an emergency bait, so he had to pull out this car registration nonsense, as well as letting us know that paying his taxes hurt him. Successful business man is shaking like a fucking leaf while he tells us that he’s going to be fucked if he has one slow week (down a few hundred dollars.)

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I thought the amount was odd as well, just so happens to get 225 dollar charge back and magically have a place that 225 could’ve been spent? SO I reached out to an old friend of mine who used to live in King County and that shit is legit. Friend had to pay 300-400 for his newer (at the time) SUV registered.


Regarding the car registration fee, apparently it is real, and is like 1% of the value of your car. So $200 wouldn’t be crazy.

The acting like it’s something that is unexpected is retarded though because it’s the same time every year?

With the disability cheques rolling out tomorrow, we will probably have to wait to see how long the current whale corps can cover for 1MM’s disappearance

His birthday was 3 weeks ago, I suppose it’s possible you can pay at the end of the month. Also there’s probably info somewhere of when he got the car, it would make more sense to be on the anniversary of actually getting the car but who knows in the US.

Adding: This website here as a breakdown of car registration in Washington


Is car registration not do on your bday. At least this is the cas for me.

Regardless of whether or not any of these numbers being thrown around are accurate or real, they’re just a convenient excuse for Phil to beg. He leaned into the chargebacks hard last night, over and over and over, but didn’t once mention anything else. Then this morning, it’s chargebacks, plus my car insurance, plus paying my taxes really set me back. He felt that the chargebacks alone weren’t enough to guilt people into coughing up their cash, so he had to kick it into overdrive.


DAUMN! I’d say that he’s lying about it being so sudden buuuut I mean it’s phil so he probably got the bill months ago if it’s like by me where they send it so early I may have forgotten it…a few times, but to phil it’s another “surprise” bill


Not trying to debunk if he actually has that bill to pay, just simply stating that in Kings County the yearly registration for a vehicle is wild. Knowing Dave, he paid that with the YT check earlier in the month and is just using it as an excuse as @CIMC said.


@RawPhil clapped DSP 2-0 in SF6. Big ups :saluting_face:

EDIT: He beat him 2-0 again lol

EDIT 2: Raw beat him 2-0 a third time :fire:

EDIT 3: Four 2-0’s